VOTE WCH PAC, a political action committee that recently formed in Washington Court House is seeking to decriminalize small amounts of cannabis in the city of approximately 15,000.
At least 16 cities in the Buckeye State have decriminalized minimal amounts of marijuana, including the small town of Logan, which has a population of only 7,000.
“Studies by national organizations show that public opinion is only growing in support of this issue,” said Derek Myers, the spokesperson who has been brought on to handle publicity for the PAC. “Two-thirds of adults, including Democrats, Republicans, and independents now favor making the plant legal.”
Nearly 1-in-4 Americans reside in a jurisdiction where the adult use of cannabis is legal, and 33 states — including Ohio — regulate medical marijuana access.
The PAC is circulating an initiative petition, which requires approximately 330 registered voters from the city to sign in order for the measure to be considered, Myers said.
“The way the city charter and state law works is, once the signatures have been collected, the petition with the text of the ordinance is submitted to the clerk of City Council,” Myers said Tuesday. “Council has the option to vote on it, hopefully this summer. If they pass it, the law is enacted. If council votes it down, it will be on the November 3, 2020 ballot if all goes according to plan.”
The group said they have launched a website — — where they have posted information about the ordinance, as well as other statistics about cannabis decriminalization.
“We urge everyone to go to the website who supports this measure and enter in their email. We will announce in the coming weeks an informational town hall where citizens can attend to learn more.”