Avenu Insights & Analytics (Avenu) announced that Pike County, Ohio has “gone live” with its new cloud-based Records Solution. A long-standing, loyal client, the Pike County Recorders Office has been collaborating with Avenu for nearly 25 years. The transition to GRIDS was a strategic decision for Pike County knowing the system will adapt and grow with them for the next 15 – 20 years.
GRIDS provides Pike County with a secure cloud-based solution with built-in disaster recovery, storage, and automated daily backups. The new solution carves the path for counties to modernize and optimize workflows and includes modules for Cashiering, Indexing, Scanning & Imaging, Reporting, and Searching. The modern user interface provided by the Search module permits citizens the freedom to research public records in-office or remotely. Having a cloud-based solution also gives the County the ability to work remotely if needed.
Misty Brewster, Pike County Recorder, anticipates that GRIDS will give her office a savings in time with the improved workflows and more modern technology. Misty stated, “We love the new system and the transition went as smoothly as possible. The entire Avenu staff has been wonderful to work with through the entire process. Having GRIDS is going to allow our staff the extra time to tackle much needed projects such as back indexing and scanning all records for the last 40 years.”
Avenu’s CEO, Paul Colangelo, shared the following when asked about the transition to GRIDS, “Avenu is dedicated to serving local governments. Our close working relationship with Pike County over the years has given us a deep understanding of the needs of the Recorders Office and helped us fine-tune GRIDS to what it is today. Our product development team has been working to bring our clients next generation systems to serve them for years to come, and we are happy that we could position Pike County for continued and future success.”