WILMINGTON, Ohio — The National Weather Service in Wilmington says muggy conditions will persist today. According to meteorologists, heat indexes in the Scioto Valley will be in the upper 90’s.
With the hot and muggy conditions, NWS wants to remind people to take necessary precautions when working outside.
Can you recognize the signs of a heat stroke, or heat exhaustion? Experts say, heat stroke and heat exhaustion can sometimes occur quickly, or after prolonged exposure outside.
According to the Mayo Clinic the symptoms of heat stroke and heat exhaustion include:
- Cool, moist skin with goose bumps when in the heat
- Heavy sweating
- Faintness
- Dizziness
- Fatigue
- Weak, rapid pulse
- Low blood pressure upon standing
- Muscle cramps
- Nausea
- Headache
The Mayo Clinic added, “If you think you’re experiencing heat exhaustion you need to; stop all activity and rest, move to a cooler place, and drink cool water or sports drinks.