ROSS COUNTY, Ohio — The Ross County SALT Council celebrated its 25th anniversary on March 14, 2022. The council was established in Chillicothe in February of 1999 by Officer Dale Gillette, in cooperation with local law enforcement, the Ross County Senior Citizens Center, the AARP, and other groups serving seniors.
SALT, which stands for Seniors and Law Enforcement Together, is a program that aims to improve the quality of life for seniors through various programs. The council is a branch of TRIAD, an organization established by the National Sheriff Association, International Chiefs of Police, and the American Association of Retired Persons.
The SALT Council’s programs include Guiding Light, a low-cost security light that is placed on the front porch and flashes to quickly direct emergency responders to the correct home. The council also offers a Safe Driving Program presented by the AARP, which can lead to a discount on auto insurance, as well as a 911 phone that is actually a personal phone with a button for 911 and an alarm button.
In addition, the council provides Cool Down Programs, in which a box fan is furnished free of charge to seniors in need. These fans are acquired through fan drives and donations and can be obtained by contacting the Ross County Sheriff’s Department at 740-773-1185.