A woman who proclaims to be a witch said her stepson had lit a house on fire.
Firefighters and police responded to the area of Western Avenue and Main Street on reports that the house was on fire; according to dispatchers, the homeowners called it in themselves.
When firefighters arrived they found a small trash can had been caught on fire intentionally by a man who was visiting the home, according to homeowners. Upon talking to other occupants of the house, one woman who was also visiting informed police that this was the second time in 24 hours the man had intentionally set the fire. On Tuesday, he reportedly lit an oven glove on fire and intentionally threw it behind the stove.
The woman who was giving information to police informed them she was a “witch” and could not lie, reports say. The man was reportedly upset about an eviction and admitted to the fires.
The woman who lives in the home called 9-1-1 after she smelled smoke, she said, and that the perpetrators — the fire started and witch — were visitors staying with her.
An arson investigator was called to the scene, but no one was arrested.
A previous version of this article mistakenly identified the 9-1-1 caller as the same woman who proclaimed to be a witch. In fact, they are two different women, police say, who reside in the home. One lives upstairs and treats it as a separate apartment with her two children.