Pictured are Kevin and Conrad Curren at the Cincinnati Reds Opening Day game in March 2019. Longtime Greenfield attorney and baseball fan Conrad A. Curren attended the 2019 Opening Day game with his sons, Kevin and Walter; and grandson, Jake. Mr. Curren attended Reds Opening Day for more than 50 years. The Reds defeated the Pittsburgh Pirates, 5-3, before a sold-out crowd of 44,049. It was the largest regular-season crowd ever at Great American Ball Park.

GREENFIELD, Ohio — Former judge, mayor and longtime Greenfield attorney Conrad A. Curren passed away Saturday, May 15.

He was 87.

Mr. Curren graduated from McClain High School in 1954. He then graduated from the University of Cincinnati with a degree in history and his law degree. Upon graduation, he entered the United States Air Force as a second lieutenant and was stationed in Sault Saint Marie, Mich. with the JAG (Judge Advocate General).

Later, he returned to Greenfield and opened his law practice. He ran for mayor of the City of Greenfield and served two terms. In 1970, Mr. Curren was elected to the first of his three terms as the Highland County Court Judge. He was also appointed to the Board of Commissioners on Grievances and Discipline of the Bar of Ohio by the Chief Justice of the Ohio State Supreme Court.

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