COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ohio Governor Mike DeWine today reminded Ohioans of the importance of getting vaccinated against COVID-19 and for those that are not fully-vaccinated to wear masks indoors, as statewide mask mandates lift tomorrow.

“Ohioans have done a great job during the pandemic. And, with more than 5 million Ohioans who have received at least the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, we are getting back to living the lives we want. However, it is important that we all still remember that there are a significant number of Ohioans who remain unvaccinated and are at-risk, including everyone under the age of 12. It’s important that those not fully vaccinated continue to wear masks indoors and follow other preventative measures to keep themselves as healthy as possible,” said Governor Mike DeWine.

More than 5.3 million Ohioans have received their first vaccinations and 4.6 million have completed the vaccination series.

An individual is considered fully vaccinated two weeks after their second dose of Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccines or two weeks after the single dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

For businesses and organizations looking to update signage in their facilities, appropriate signs are available at

Ohioans can find the vaccination site nearest them at

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