Adam Troy Wrightsel, 59, of Chillicothe, died 11:15 am, June 22, 2021, at Marion General Hospital, Marion, OH, following an extended illness.

He was born May 18, 1962 in Chillicothe to the late Charles R. and Margaret E. Hoover Wrightsel.  Survivors include four siblings, Connie (Shawn) Hamilton, Chillicothe, Joseph Wrightsel, Kingston, Paul (Michael) Wrightsel, Chillicothe and Todd (Carla) Wrightsel, Chillicothe; and numerous nieces and nephews.  He was preceded in death by a brother, Michael and a special K-9 companion, Eve.

Adam was a former loader operator and truck driver for Ross-Co Redi-Mix.

Following cremation, private services will be held at the convenience of the family.  Memorial contributions may be made to the Ross Co. Humane Society, 2308 A Lick Run Rd., Chillicothe, OH 45601.

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