The below editorial is authored by Derek Myers, the Guardian’s editor-in-chief, and Jay Salley, the publication’s assistant editor.
There is a serious issue right now in Chillicothe. The eviction moratorium has expired. We spoke with a large rental management agency today who manages more than 400 properties for owners in Ross County. She told us there are dozens of eviction notices set to be issued this week and next because of the expiration.
The issue here is red tape.
The Biden administration passed funding in the amount of $46 billion to assist in rental payments. Only $5 billion has been used.
The funding is being administered locally by Community Action (CAC). While CAC has not given an exact answer as to why and how, the reality is, they have not issued any rental assistance under the program in months. The administration of CAC has stated that “the funding hasn’t arrived, yet.” CNN has reported this week that only $5bn has been sent to local jurisdictions.
The Biden administration and Congress have failed to send the money to the local level ahead of the expiration of the moratorium. As a result, hundreds of families in Ross County are eligible for eviction through no fault of their own.
These families have taken the steps to get assistance, but due to red tape, the funding has been delayed. The landlords and property management companies have stated that this does not matter. The agency we spoke with today said they are going to be issuing eviction paperwork, even to those who have applied — and are awaiting — guaranteed rental assistance.
The issue here is simply explained: the assistance these families have been guaranteed by an act of Congress has not arrived and because of that, they will become homeless.
It is imperative that the city act immediately to put in place an extension of the moratorium on the local level until the funding arrives. The judiciary may also stay evictions, as well.
If you are facing eviction, Southeastern Ohio Legal Services® (SEOLS) gives legal help without attorney fees to people with low income and limited savings and assets. Their phone number is: (740) 773-0012.
To apply for rental assistance through Ross County Community Action, phone them by dialing (740) 702-7222 or visiting their website by clicking here.
Derek Myers is the editor-in-chief of the Guardian and Jay Salley is the publication’s assistant editor.