CHILLICOTHE, Ohio — Chillicothe City Council will meet Monday evening to discuss adding more electric car charging stations to the downtown area.
The charging stations, council says, will be available for area residents and visitors who utilize electric transportation. The proposed site is the municipal lot at 32 East Water Street, near downtown.
According to the ordinance that council will vote on Monday night, the city would spend nearly $140,000 to install two charging stations.

Some Chillicothe residents find the venture a waste of taxpayer money.
John, a long-time resident was angry about the idea, calling it, “wasteful spending.” “That money is better spent elsewhere. Help fund the city pool, hire a new police officer.”
Not all residents share the same opinion. Several Chillicothe families utilize electric transportation for their everyday commute. Some calling the new stations an “extra blessing.”
Mayor Luke Feeney told the Guardian, “the project is primarily funded by a grant. This grant award is $125,500 which I believe covers the cost of the stations. The additional money is the city’s portion to cover the installation costs – up to $14,500.”
There are currently three charging stations in Chillicothe.
This will be the first reading of the proposed ordinance.
President Joe Biden in June asked automakers to commit to making at least 40% of all new cars, electric, by 2030. “The biggest thing that’s happening here is there’s a realization, on the part of both labor and business now, that this is the future. We can’t sit by,” said President Biden during a press conference.