CHILLICOTHE, Ohio– In Chillicothe, a man is thankful that a pickax-wielding stranger did not seriously injure him. The incident happened Thursday in the area of East Second Street.

According to reports, a resident in the 300 block of East Second Street was exiting his vehicle when a man carrying a pickax approached him. The victim, who called 9-1-1, said the man appeared to be “under the influence of something.” The resident told police that the individual suddenly started yelling, and cursing at him.

The resident stated that “he feared for his life.” That is when, reports say, the resident ran into his home and grabbed a BB gun.

The resident pointed a BB gun at the suspect and told him to leave after the suspect said he was going to “drive an ax into the man,” according to police.

Chillicothe Police were able to locate the suspect, who, according to reports, was still carrying the pickax. Arrested was William Woods, Chillicothe. Woods smelled strongly of alcohol, according to officers. 

The pickax, police say, was taken into evidence. Woods was transported to the Ross County Jail and charged with Aggravated Menacing, and Disorderly Intox.

Jay Salley is the news editor for the Guardian.