CIRCLEVILLE, Ohio — Since being elected in August of 2021, the charter commission is forming a way to govern Circleville that will give citizens more input into how their city operates. When finished, voters will have an opportunity to adopt the final charter. What follows, is some of the information being processed by the commission. 

The implementation of a city manager would enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the city.  The effects of professional leadership would be visible in the budget and in other ways.  New goals could be reached, new city amenities could be conceived and instituted, and new accomplishments may be achieved that voters could notice.

“One of the key advantages of the Council-Manager form [of government] is the bringing of a business management approach to the running of the city,” notes David Collinsworth, a consultant, and former city manager. A good city manager will pay for his or her salary many times over in a multitude of ways,” he said.  “These include:

  • Improving the efficiency of city operations by applying generally accepted management principles.
  • Finding economies in purchasing or other areas of expenditures.
  • Knowing what grant opportunities can bring new dollars into the city for projects in the pipeline.
  • Understanding contemporary economic development practices that can be used to leverage positive growth of the City’s tax base.”

Cities that operate under voter-approved charters can save money that can be passed on to other projects. These projects are likely to get finished because a City Manager can focus on details over time while elected officials may only serve one term which could stunt a long-term project. 

If adopted by voters in August, a charter would provide Circleville with flexibility not previously possible.  Through an amendment process, charters allow cities to make changes that allow the charter to continue to meet the needs of the community.  Once a charter is implemented, voters have an opportunity to approve or disapprove of all changes to the Charter. 

Commission meetings are held at 7 p.m. Thursdays and are open to the public. 

Check the website for locations and specific dates. 

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