COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ohio Governor Mike DeWine signed the controversial Senate Bill 215 into law on Monday.

The law (also known as the “permit-less” law) will allow a person aged 21 and older to carry a concealed weapon as long as he or she is legally authorized to possess one.

Ohio has become the 22nd state to permit the carrying of a concealed weapon without a permit.

Gun rights activists say this is a major win for the Buckeye State.

Gun control advocates across the state called the bill reckless and dangerous. Many called upon Governor DeWine to veto the bill.

The Ohio Fraternal Order of Police and the Ohio Mayors Alliance are among the groups that have opposed this bill.

Democratic Party Chair Elizabeth Waters said, “By signing this bill into law, Mike DeWine has sold out Ohioans and law enforcement officers to special interest groups and extremists in the legislature. This bill will make all Ohioans less safe.”

Former Dayton Mayor and gubernatorial candidate Nan Whaley issued a statement saying, “After a mass shooting in Dayton, Governor DeWine promised to do something to reduce gun violence. At every turn, he’s broken that promise. “

In 2019, a gunman entered a Dayton bar and opened fire, killing nine people and wounding seventeen more.

The law will go into effect within 90 days.

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