Valued Guardian readers,
We hope you’ve been enjoying the insightful news content that we have been providing on our website. Over the years, our commitment to delivering unbiased, comprehensive, and up-to-date information has remained unwavering. However, as much as we strive to keep our content free for everyone, the time has come for us to make some changes to sustain our operations and continue providing high-quality journalism.
As you may have noticed, the world of media is evolving rapidly, and the traditional revenue models for news organizations are facing significant challenges. As a responsible news website, we believe that quality journalism should be adequately supported to maintain its integrity and independence. To ensure our ability to deliver the same level of in-depth reporting and extensive coverage that you have come to expect from us, we have been compelled to implement a Subscriber Premium Content model.
Not all news stories will be hidden behind a paywall right off the bat, so don’t worry: you can still read some news for free. However, some of the best, juicy, meaty, and hard hitting works will be premium until we make a full transition; so, don’t delay your signing up.
By subscribing to our premium content, you will gain exclusive access to in-depth stories, groundbreaking investigative pieces, and captivating multimedia experiences that delve deep into critical issues affecting our society. Our dedicated team of journalists works tirelessly to bring you the most comprehensive local and global news coverage, along with 24/7 live updates, so you can stay informed in real-time.
The option to subscribe on premium content will be shown on the pages where it applies. You simply follow the steps and can pay via Apple Pay or Google Pay, or using a traditional debit or credit card. You will be provided a login and can use it to read and access all our features.
We understand that the idea of a paywall may be met with mixed feelings, but let us assure you that this decision was not taken lightly. To show our appreciation for your support, we are offering a LIMITED TIME introductory subscription of only $1 a month. This is an opportunity for you to lock in this incredibly low price forever, and by doing so, you will avoid the $10 monthly charge that will be applied to new subscribers after 30 days. Our competitors charge $10 or more a month, and while we soon will, right now is your chance to only pay $1… forever.
While some may wonder why we have chosen a lower subscription fee, we believe in making quality journalism accessible to as many people as possible. Our goal is not just to make ends meet, but to engage with a wider audience and foster an informed and enlightened society. By offering our Subscriber Premium Content at such a reasonable price, we hope to make a lasting impact on the communities we serve and inspire a thirst for knowledge and understanding.
We want to be transparent with you about why this change has become necessary. Like any other reputable news outlet, we have operational costs to cover, including compensating our talented team of journalists, maintaining technical infrastructure, and investing in cutting-edge reporting tools. In the face of these challenges, charging for news has become a common practice for media organizations worldwide.
However, unlike many others in the industry who have opted for higher subscription fees, we believe that quality journalism should be accessible without placing undue financial strain on our readers. Our commitment to keeping the subscription price at $1 a month, with no hidden costs or trial periods, stems from our dedication to prioritizing your access to unbiased and reliable information.
By subscribing now, you are not only supporting the future of journalism but also securing your exclusive access to our premium stories and features for the long term. We are excited to offer incentives like unlimited content access, interactive investigative stories, dashcam and bodycam footage, and an E-Edition delivered to your email weekly. Additionally, you will receive a daily newsletter in your inbox, keeping you up-to-date with the latest headlines.
We hope you understand the need for this change and the reasons behind our decision to go behind a paywall for some of our content. Your support means the world to us, and together, we can continue to deliver news that matters without compromising on integrity and quality.
Thank you for being a part of our journey, and we look forward to providing you with unparalleled journalism for years to come.
Stay curious and stay informed.
The Guardian Team💙