PIKETON, Ohio — The plans to build new nuclear facilities at the Portsmouth plant are dangerous ones, which would generate large amounts of radioactive chemicals and cause harm to local residents for years to come.
For half a century, Portsmouth enriched uranium for nuclear weapons and nuclear reactors. The enrichment process generated harmful radioactive chemicals, some of which were released into local air, water, and soil, and ingested by humans. Samples by Northern Arizona University found these chemicals in the environment throughout the area.
Recent state and national health data show high and rising rates of cancer and deaths in Pike County. In 2015-2019, Pike had the highest rate of diagnosed cancer cases of all 88 Ohio counties.
In addition, death rates soared, especially premature deaths (under age 75). Several decades ago, the Pike County rate was 10% greater than the U.S. Now, it is 85% higher – almost double – and one of the highest rates in the U.S. Especially hard-hit were young adults aged 25 to 54.
Any plan that would subject already-suffering local residents to more harmful exposures to radioactivity should not be tolerated. Citizens should make clear to regulators and elected officials that the current proposals should be rejected.
Joseph J. Mangano MPH MBA
Radiation and Public Health Project

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