CHILLICOTHE, Ohio — A man is facing his fifth charge for driving under the influence after authorities discovered him unconscious in his car.

It happened Sunday at the intersection of North High and Water streets in Chillicothe.

The vehicle, a green 2011 Kia Soul, was found idling in the southbound lane. Samuel Fite, the driver, awoke and exhibited clear signs of intoxication, including the smell of alcohol and slurred speech, officers said.

Fite failed all three portions of the standardized field sobriety tests (SFST). Subsequent checks revealed four prior O.V.I convictions in 2018, 2016, 2010, and 2007. Fite also refused to provide a Blood Alcohol Content sample, resulting in an immediate suspension of his operator’s license.

Eitel’s Towing recovered the vehicle, and Fite was transported to the Ross County Jail. He is set to appear in the Chillicothe Municipal Court this morning. Fite faces charges for Operating a Motor Vehicle While Intoxicated and refusing to submit to a test with a prior OVI conviction.

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