ROSS COUNTY, Ohio — Three people were killed Monday in an accident along a highway in Ross County.

A semi, driven by Singh Sukhwinder, 30, Richmond Hill, New York, was heading west on route 35 near Richmond Dale. Simultaneously, Deanna Early, 56, Charleston, West Virginia, was traveling eastbound, attempting to make a left turn onto Main Street in Richmond Dale.

Troopers said Early, failing to yield to oncoming traffic, was struck by the semi-truck. Subsequently, her car was was forced off the right side of the roadway, colliding with a guardrail and a tree.

Early, and the front seat passenger, Donavan Larson, 51, Waco, Texas, along with a juvenile passenger, died as a result of the crash. Sukhwinder emerged from the collision without any injuries.

The highway was closed for four hours as crews investigated the crash.

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