CIRCLEVILLE, Ohio — Former Circleville Safety Director Steven Wilkinson made headlines after delivering a scathing rebuke against Mayor Michelle Blanton during the Circleville City Council meeting on March 19. In his statement, Wilkinson didn’t mince words, referring to Mayor Blanton as a “coward” and “emotionally unstable.”

After addressing city council, Wilkinson sought to clarify his previous remarks. “I believe it is necessary to offer some clarity to the events that have transpired over the last ten days. I had no decision, input, or involvement with the relief of duty for Chief Baer. The plan was developed and implemented by Michelle Blanton and Kendra Kinney prior to my appointment,” he stated.

Wilkinson didn’t stop there. He went on to accuse the Circleville Police Department of being plagued by a culture of misconduct, poor decisions, and toxic leadership. “The Police Officers of Circleville are being influenced by a culture of bad practice, poor decisions, and toxic leadership,” he asserted.

The controversy surrounding Circleville’s law enforcement escalated recently when The Guardian broke the story of Chief Shawn Baer being placed on administrative leave pending an investigation into alleged misconduct and intimidation.

Wilkinson admitted that he intentionally remained silent until now, fearing that his accusations could negatively impact the pending safety forces levy. However, he concluded his statement by suggesting that he was allegedly punished for attempting to bring accountability to the police leadership.

The tensions between Wilkinson and Mayor Blanton highlight the turmoil within Circleville’s city administration and raise questions about the future of the city’s law enforcement leadership.

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