PIKETON, Ohio — A Pike County band director is facing allegations that he sent an inappropriate video to students, reportedly by accident. Parents within the Scioto Valley School District expressed shock after learning that a video allegedly showing the director’s genitals was shared with students on Snapchat.
The video was posted sometime on Tuesday onto the “story” feature of Snapchat, where the teacher allegedly had befriended several students. It depicts an overly-obese male flicking his penis, which is less than two inches in length. The video lasts about eight seconds.
“The allegations first came out at the end of business yesterday, and we did some investigation,” said Scioto Valley’s superintendent, Wes Hairston. “Right now, it is in the hands of the Pike County Prosecutor and Piketon Police Department … [The employee] is currently out on sick leave and has been out for several days. He will be placed on paid leave pending the outcome of the investigation.”
Several residents discussed the incident on social media. David Armstrong posted publicly on Facebook, saying, “I’m very surprised that a teacher took a video of himself in his classroom playing with his ‘little worm’ then accidentally sent it to a group of kids.” The Guardian was not able to confirm if the video was filmed on school property, and the Superintendent said the teacher had been out on leave when the video was allegedly posted.
According to his biography on the Scioto Valley Local School District website, Todd Peitz is currently in his tenth year as Director of Bands for the district. He previously worked at Arlington Local Schools and Port Clinton City Schools.
Within the Scioto Valley Local Schools, Peitz directs instrumental ensembles in grades 5-12 and teaches classes in music theory, appreciation, and history.
Village police chief, Jim Nelson said the incident is under investigation and his department is working with the school and the county prosecutor to review all the facts before proceeding with an outcome.
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