CHILLICOTHE, Ohio — A routine patrol reportedly turned into a heated encounter when a Chillicothe police officer spotted a teenager vaping after exiting a school bus.

The incident occurred near the intersection of Sugar St and Water St. The officer, who was stopped for a school bus, allegedly noticed a teenage male disembarking and beginning to walk westbound on Water St. The teen, the officers said, pulled out a vape device and began using it.

Upon noticing the officer, the report states, the teen attempted to conceal the vape. The officer then pulled over to engage with the teen.

According to the officer’s report, the teen appeared to ignore the officer’s attempts to communicate. When the officer grabbed the teen by the shoulder, the teen allegedly raised his hands toward the officer’s face, prompting the officer to take him to the ground.

The officer reported a struggle with the teen, who allegedly refused to turn over and place his hands behind his back. The teen was eventually taken into custody and charged with obstructing official business and resisting arrest.

Following the incident, the teen was transported to the Juvenile Detention Center. 

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