CHILLICOTHE, Ohio — A local man was tased by deputies after he tried to flee from them on a bicycle.

The incident occurred on Tuesday, May 28, in the area of South Bridge Street in Chillicothe. According to the Ross County Sheriff’s Office, deputies were assisting the Chillicothe Police Department with a suspicious person call. While en route to the scene, deputies spotted a man riding a bicycle southbound in the northbound lanes. Deputies noted in their report that the man, later identified as Bobby Matthews, had a felony warrant for his arrest along with two misdemeanor warrants.

When deputies attempted to stop Matthews, the man allegedly fled from police. Deputies chased Matthews down the roadway. The man continued south in the southbound lanes of Three Locks Road.

The report from the sheriff’s office reads in part, “At this time I advised Sgt. Lawhorn, who was positioned under the train tracks on Three Locks Road – that Bobby was headed directly toward him. As Bobby rounded the corner, he came into view of Sgt. Lawhorn, who had his department-issued Taser 7 brandished toward Bobby. I then observed Sgt. Lawhorn deploy his Taser, and the probes struck Bobby on his right shoulder. The Taser deployment was effective, evidenced by Bobby falling to the ground and screaming in pain.”

Deputies were eventually able to subdue Matthews and take him into custody. Matthews has been charged with obstruction and resisting arrest in addition to his active warrants.

He remains in custody at the Ross County Jail.

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