COLUMBUS, Ohio — October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and Ohio courts are amplifying their efforts to address the widespread impact of domestic violence on individuals and communities statewide. In 2023, the Ohio Domestic Violence Network (ODVN) reported that 78 people lost their lives due to domestic violence incidents, with thousands more surviving attacks. Alarmingly, 65% of these cases had prior contact with the criminal or civil justice systems.
The Supreme Court of Ohio’s Domestic Violence Program is spearheading initiatives to strengthen the judicial response to domestic violence, stalking, and sexual assault. By providing essential technical assistance and resources, the program aims to enhance multidisciplinary education for courts and justice system partners. This education focuses on understanding the complexities of domestic violence dynamics and improving accessibility and support for victims.
As part of its commitment, the program has developed resources to inform victims about their rights under “Marsy’s Law” and created forms to assist them in preparing for restitution hearings. These tools are designed to empower victims and facilitate their navigation through the legal process.
Recognizing the long-term effects of domestic violence on children, the program underscores studies indicating that exposure to such environments increases the risk of developing physical and mental health issues. Moreover, these children may continue the cycle of abuse as future victims or perpetrators.
To break this cycle, Ohio has implemented specialized dockets that address the root causes of abusive behavior on an individual level, particularly in cases involving both domestic violence and substance abuse. The Summit County Domestic Violence Intervention Court, for instance, works with offenders diagnosed with mental health and addiction issues. Instead of defaulting to incarceration, this rehabilitative approach provides offenders with the tools and knowledge needed to cease their violent and addictive behaviors, aiming for their reintegration into families as positive influences.
The Domestic Violence Program remains dedicated to disseminating crucial information, monitoring trends, offering educational opportunities, and recommending effective responses through updated forms, rules, and standards. These resources are available on the Supreme Court’s Domestic Violence Program webpage, serving as valuable support for victims, advocates, and professionals within the justice system.