My request of undecided Ohio voters is to forget for a moment about the character, morals, and public service records of the two major presidential candidates. Let’s please consider one central issue that we all, Republican or Democrat or Independent, care about—the economy.

According to The Wall Street Journal, 68% of economists surveyed say that prices would rise faster under Trump because of his plans to impose tariffs. A mere 12% said prices would increase more under a Harris presidency. By six-to-one, the economists said Trump would increase federal budget deficits more than Harris.

Maybe some of us don’t care about the economics (or ethics) of Trump selling bibles that were made in China to line his own pockets, but let’s be smart, listen to the experts, and consider his larger economic plans and the lousy effects those plans will have on every single one of us.

Larissa Kosmos
Cleveland, OH 44147

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