ROSS COUNTY, Ohio – Authorities responded to a motor vehicle accident involving a horse-drawn buggy on Lyndon-Salem Road Wednesday evening. No injuries were reported.

Emergency medical personnel confirmed there were no reported injuries at the scene. The buggy involved in the accident sustained significant damage to its front left tire.

According to the investigation, the buggy was crossing a narrow bridge when the horse became spooked, veered across the center line, and then moved back just before impact. A 2011 black Audi, which was traveling in the opposite direction, made contact with the buggy’s left front tire. The vehicle suffered noticeable damage to its front left fender.

The driver of the buggy was taken to a nearby residence following the crash. A passenger in the buggy had a minor cut on their hand but declined medical attention. Authorities gathered all necessary information and filed an official accident report for insurance purposes.

No citations were issued in connection with the incident.

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