COLUMBUS, Ohio — Following failed negotiations with the district, the Columbus Education Association teachers’ union voted to strike Sunday.
The union, comprised of over 4,000 members, met for several hours at the Greater Columbus Convention Center.
Jennifer Adair, Columbus School Board President, released a statement saying, “Tonight’s vote by the Columbus Education Association (CEA) is incredibly disappointing. We are saddened by the unfortunate situation our families, our community, and, most importantly, our children now face.
Our offer to CEA put children first and prioritized their education and their growth. We offered a generous compensation package for teachers and provisions that would have a positive impact on classrooms. Our offer was also responsive to the concerns that have been raised by CEA during the negotiations process. Our community’s children are the board’s priority, and our offer reflected that fact.
School starts on Wednesday, which means our children will be learning online. We know this is not ideal, but we have an obligation to continue educating and supporting students despite the current circumstances.
We value and respect our teachers, and we will continue on a path toward collaborative solutions that address what is best for our children.”
CEA Spokesperson Regina Fuentes said, “CEA has consistently maintained that we are fighting not just for CEA members, but for our students and community. That is why CEA will continue that fight until a fair agreement is reached for the schools Columbus Students Deserve.” She continued, “Our educators, students, and the entire community deserve a fair contract for CEA.”
On August 11, CEA filed its “Notice of Intent to Strike and Picket” with the State Employment Relations Board. The two parties had until Sunday to reach an agreement.
There has been no word on when the two sides will return to the bargaining table.
You can read the district’s final offer by clicking the link below:
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