COLUMBUS, Ohio — Columbia Gas of Ohio in June petitioned to raise customer rates and the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio is giving current customers a chance to voice their opinions.
In September, PUCO announced the scheduling of a public hearing on October 14, to provide Columbia Gas customers a chance to speak out.
The local public hearing is scheduled for October 14, 2022, at 2:30 p.m. and will be held at the Toledo City Council Chambers in Toledo.
According to the commission, individuals who testify need to provide their full names and contact information. Those who testify at the public hearing will have their comments added to the case record.
Customers that are unable to attend the hearing can submit their comments online at or by mail addressed to 180 E. Broad St., Columbus, OH 43215.
Comments should include the case numbers 21-0637-GA-AIR, 21-0638-GA-ALT, 21-0639-GA-UNC, 21-0640-GA-AAM.
Case background
Columbia Gas of Ohio submitted its applications for a rate increase and charges and for approval of an alternative rate plan on June 30, 2021.
In its applications, Columbia requests approval of an increase in gas distribution rates and an alternative rate plan. In its rate case, Columbia requests a rate increase of $221,429,000, an increase of 21.3 percent over current revenues. After its review of Columbia’s application and records, the PUCO staff recommends a revenue increase in the range of $35,197,000 to $57,554,000, which represents an increase of between 3.98 percent and 6.34 percent over current revenues. Columbia’s application for alternative rate plans seeks to implement the following elements: the continuation of the infrastructure replacement rider for an additional five-year period; the continuation of the capital expenditure program rider for an additional five-year term; and the creation of a federally mandated investment rider to recover costs to comply with the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration “Mega Rule” and other future mandated governmental spending.