SCIOTO COUNTY, Ohio — The Scioto County Sheriff’s Office released pictures of the rings found with the recently discovered human remains in Lucasville.
Sheriff David Thoroughman said, “The photographs of the rings are being forwarded in hopes that someone will recognize the jewelry and help identify the remains. A photograph of the watch that was located is not being forwarded, however, it is distinct in that the band is of dolphins interjoined together to form the band.”
On Monday, hunters discovered the remains in the area of Blue Run Road and contacted the sheriff’s office.
Several outside agencies were brought in to help with the identification of the remains including the Mercyhurst Department of Applied Forensic Sciences, out of Erie, Pennsylvania, and anthropologist and crime scene reconstructionist from Precision Laser and Instrument Inc.
The remains were transported to Erie for further investigation, including dental and DNA testing.
On Wednesday the sheriff released some of the preliminary findings. In a statement released Thoroughman said, “after a preliminary review of the remains, the biological profile suggests a white female between the ages of 30-50 being of average height, no upper teeth, no lower teeth (recently removed). This female has an abnormal growth on the right side of her scapula which may have caused it to project from the back differently than the left scapula, being from a birth defect. This may or may not have been visible. In addition, two right ribs are fused along most of the length of the ribs. The review suggests that the remains are less than two years old.”
Anyone information on this case should contact the Scioto County Sheriff’s Office at 740-355-8261.