ROSS COUNTY, Ohio — The Ohio Fire Marshal’s Office is investigating a fire at a home on Mingo Road in Ross County. 

The call came into 9-1-1 dispatchers Thursday afternoon.  

According to the police report obtained by the Guardian, deputies spoke with the resident, who stated that someone was “trying to kill him”, and that they had started the fire at his home.

The conversation continued with the man when it took a strange turn. The man, deputies said, claimed that he could hear the voices of individuals in Kentucky and they were threatening him. He continued saying the people in Kentucky and cartoon characters were speaking into his mind, saying they were “going to kill him.” 

Authorities did not specify if they believe the man set the fire himself, but they were concerned for his well-being. Medics from Huntington Township transported the man to Adena Regional Medical Center for evaluation.  

The extent of the damage caused by the fire was not immediately released.

The incident, officials said, remains under investigation.  

If you or anyone you know is suffering from a mental health disorder or is in crisis, there is help. You can text or call the national crisis helpline at 988 to be connected with local resources.  

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