ROSS COUNTY, Ohio — On Monday, a new county auditor took the reins in Ross County.
Jeff Lehner, a local businessman, started as the Ross County Auditor this week with a mission to improve fiscal efficiency and address the inconsistent and unreliable EMS coverage in the county, he said in an interview on Monday.
Lehner shared his long-term agenda, saying “My long-term agenda is mostly fiscal-related: working produce efficiencies relief for the Ross County taxpayers.” He expressed his immediate focus on an EMS reform committee and the need for timely emergency medical services for the people of Ross County.
“My number one hope for four years from now is that we’ll be looking at a leaner, more efficient county government that can tax and charge the people of Ross County less.”
Lehner ran for elective office because he believes Chillicothe and Ross County have suffered from a lack of competition for their local elected offices, which has led to settling for status quos that may not be serving people’s needs, he said. He also emphasized his commitment to transparency and accountability, saying “One of the most important parts of my job as I see it is to help articulate what Ross County government is doing and why in a way that’s relatable and easy to understand.”
Lehner expressed he is grateful for the opportunity to help lead Ross County and plans to do the job the way he said he would during his campaign. With his focus on fiscal efficiency and EMS reform, Lehner aims to make a positive impact on the community.
He was elected in November.