COLUMBUS, Ohio — A group of activists in Ohio is pushing for an initiative that would legalize recreational marijuana. The initiative would allow adults aged 21 and older to possess up to 2.5 ounces of cannabis and grow up to six plants at home. A 10% cannabis tax rate would also be implemented.

If passed, Ohio would become the 20th state to legalize recreational marijuana. The initiative is facing opposition from Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, who is concerned about increased marijuana use among underage individuals. However, supporters of the initiative remain optimistic that it will gain approval from voters.

A recent poll showed that 50.4% of likely voters in Ohio are in favor of legalizing recreational marijuana. If the initiative is passed, Ohio would stand to generate significant tax revenue for the state and create job opportunities within the cannabis industry. Additionally, it is anticipated that legalization would result in a decrease in the illicit marijuana market.

As of May 30, 2023, a total of 23 states and Washington, D.C. had already legalized the possession and personal use of marijuana for recreational purposes, while 37 states and D.C. had legalized marijuana for medical purposes.

Jay Salley is the news editor for the Guardian.