There’s a certain responsibility that comes with holding public office, a duty to prioritize the well-being of the very citizens you represent. Yet, what we witnessed at Monday’s City Council meeting was a profound failure to uphold that duty by none other than Luke Feeney and his entire slate of candidates: Jamie Brown, Deidra Nickerson, and Dustin Proehl.

Denying free downtown parking for our police officers isn’t just a minor oversight. It’s a deeply troubling indication of where Feeney, Brown, Nickerson, and Proehl’s allegiances lie. Their collective decision stands as a testimony to their disregard for every law enforcement officer who risks their life daily for our safety.

What’s all the more galling is the brazen hypocrisy of it all. Should Feeney or any member of his slate ever face an emergency, to whom will they turn? Our very officers, of course. And though they’ve been denied basic considerations like parking, these officers, in their unwavering commitment, would still answer the call. Despite Feeney and his team’s glaring lack of support, our officers would still serve and protect, even if it meant playing an absurd game of parking musical chairs, taking them away from their duties and leaving the public vulnerable.

Yet here we are, with these elected officials wanting to nickel and dime our officers to death. And not just metaphorically. Every penny they’re forcing these officers to spend on parking is a penny taken away from their families, their needs, and their future. It’s as if the council is asking them to play a dangerous game of musical chairs, taking them off their beats and leaving citizens vulnerable. Why? So they can shift a car to avoid a ticket?

This isn’t just a parking issue; it’s symbolic of the disintegrating respect for our law enforcement. As the November 7th election approaches, with early voting already in motion, we must remember the choices made by Luke Feeney, Jamie Brown, Deidra Nickerson, and Dustin Proehl. When casting our votes, we must recall who stood with our officers and who flagrantly disregarded their needs.

Our community deserves representatives who respect and support those who keep us safe. It’s high time we held our officials accountable. As November 7th nears, let us remember the decisions made by Feeney and his slate and cast our votes for those who truly represent our best interests.

Derek Myers is the editor-in-chief of the Guardian.