Twelve kids marveling at the birth of baby goats this holiday season.

KINGSTON, Ohio — How many kids does one momma goat have in one birthing? “Usually two or three, but we’ve never seen 6!” exclaimed Greg Adkins, owner and operator of Twin Springs Farm.

Twelves kids marveling at the birth of baby goats this holiday season.

Assisted by six human kids from his family and community, Adkins watched his goat give birth to sextuplets who were all males and healthy.

“We usually get a mix of males and females, so having all males is different,” said Adkins. His family-run farm breeds and sells goats to be shown at county and state fairs. The plan for these new arrivals is to sell them at a sale in March for people who will be buying animals for 4-H and FFA (Future Farmers of America) projects.

According to Adkins, they don’t have names, yet. The baby goats, or kids as they are referred to in the profession, are identified by colored ribbons which helps keep track of which ones drink certain amounts of milk. They are being bottle-fed because the mother goat did not make enough milk. These bottle-fed babies are waiting for names; Twin Springs Farm is asking for name suggestions from the community.

“Delivering these babies was a team effort,” Adkins shared, “and it would be nice to keep that same idea as we ask the community to help us name them.” Twin Springs Farm is on Facebook with a goat icon in the image for any readers who would like to send name suggestions.