LOGAN, Ohio — A Logan resident has won big on an Ohio Lottery scratch-off ticket.  

According to the state lottery commission. John, from Logan, won $150,000 on a Lady Luck 100X ticket. The ticket is a new addition for lottery fans who enjoy scratch-off tickets.  

After mandatory state and federal tax totaling 28 percent, John will receive $108,000. 
The winning ticket was purchased at Speedway # 9186 in Logan. 

John told the lottery commission when he scratched the ticket, he had to” grab his glasses from his glove box to look more closely at his ticket because he did not believe he had won.” When asked how he will spend his winnings, John said, “I’m planning to pay off some bills and get a new kitchen thanks to his win.” 
Lady Luck 100X is a $20 scratch-off with a top prize of $40,000 a year for 25 years. As of February 16, there are three top prizes remaining in the game.   

The Scioto Valley Guardian is the #1 local news source for the Scioto Valley.