CHILLICOTHE, Ohio — In a wild turn of events, a high-speed chase unfolded on Route 159 in Chillicothe, resulting in a series of collisions and the apprehension of the suspect.

At approximately 5:30 PM on May 29, law enforcement received information from dispatch regarding a stolen White Hyundai Tucson traveling south on Route 159. The vehicle had an Ohio license plate number matching the stolen vehicle. Deputies, the report states, stationed at the intersection of SR-159 and Kenworth Dr., observed the suspect vehicle and initiated a traffic stop. However, the suspect accelerated rapidly, reaching speeds estimated at approximately 100 miles per hour.

The suspect during the chase reportedly failed to stop at two consecutive red lights. As the chase continued, the Chillicothe Police Department (CPD) was alerted, and they attempted to deploy stop sticks at the intersection of Bridge St. and Riverside. Despite swerving to avoid the stop sticks, the suspect lost control of the vehicle, careening into the Rotech building and damaging its brick pillar.

The suspect allegedly continued, striking a parking curb, a telephone pole (which snapped in half), and another telephone pole.

Abandoning the vehicle, the suspect reportedly fled on foot.

The CPD and Ohio State Highway Patrol located the suspect, identified as Joshua Reed, on Main St. After a foot chase, Reed was apprehended and taken into custody. He now faces additional charges including, Fleeing and Eluding, Resisting Arrest, Criminal Damaging, Accident – Leaving the Scene, Vandalism, and Receiving Stolen Property. Reed was also cited for various traffic violations.

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