On March 11, 2025, Chillicothe Police responded to multiple incidents throughout the city, including reports of theft, trespassing, disorderly conduct, probation violations, and protection order violations. Additionally, officers were dispatched to calls related to non-criminal matters, including found property and an overdose. Investigations are ongoing for several cases. Below is a summary of each reported incident.

Found Property Reported at Speedway

Case Number: PD-P2501241

Officers were dispatched to 1136 E Main St in reference to found property.

Missing Juvenile Reported

Case Number: PD-P2501242

Police responded to a report of a missing juvenile at 44 S Brownell St.

Domestic Dispute Leads to Disorderly Conduct Report

Case Number: PD-P2501243

Officers were dispatched to 981 E Main St regarding a domestic dispute.

Warrant Investigation

Case Number: PD-P2501244

Police responded to 28 N Paint St in reference to a warrant. The investigation continues.

Criminal Trespass Reported

Case Number: PD-P2501246

Officers were dispatched to 169 Scioto Ave for a disturbance involving criminal trespass.

Theft Complaint Under Investigation

Case Number: PD-P2501245

A theft without consent was reported on University Dr. The investigation is ongoing.

Non-Criminal Investigation Opened

Case Number: PD-P2501247

A detective filed a non-criminal report. The investigation continues.

Police Respond to Overdose

Case Number: PD-P2501248

Officers were dispatched to 314 Vine St in response to an overdose incident.

Bicycles Stolen on McKeller St

Case Number: PD-P2501249

Police responded to 319 McKeller St regarding a theft of bicycles. A report was taken.

No Contact Order Violation Reported

Case Number: PD-P2501250

Officers were called to 140 S Paint St at the Chillicothe Ross Public Library in response to an alleged probation violation. The investigation continues.

Driver Stopped for Expired Registration

Case Number: PD-P2501251

A traffic stop was conducted on a red sedan with an expired registration on S Bridge near 8th St. The driver was found to be under a license suspension.

Traffic Accident Under Investigation

Case Number: PD-P2501252

Police responded to a traffic accident at 1225 Western Ave (McDonald’s). The investigation is ongoing.

Child Left Unattended

Case Number: PD-P2501253

Officers responded to the 500 block of Sherman Park after reports of a child left unattended. The investigation is pending.

Protection Order Violation Reported

Case Number: PD-P2501254

Police responded to 611 E Second St for an alleged violation of a protection order. The investigation is ongoing.

Burglary Complaint Leads to Trespassing Report

Case Number: PD-P2501255

Officers were dispatched to the LEC regarding a burglary complaint, which resulted in a report of criminal trespass. The investigation continues.

Additional Report Filed on N Paint St

Case Number: PD-P2501256

Police responded to an incident at N Paint St. No further details were provided.

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