ROSS COUNTY, Ohio — Union Township residents are encouraged to attend the trustees’ upcoming monthly meeting on Wednesday, March 19th at 6:00 PM. The meeting will be held in the boardroom on Egypt Pike, where general business matters will be discussed including a proposed housing development.

Union Township Trustees, according to the township’s Facebook account, have addressed concerns surrounding a proposed housing development along Pleasant Valley Road at Veterans Parkway. The project, which initially proposed the construction of 160 homes, included entry and exit points near the local car wash and further down on the hillside. When the proposal failed to gain traction at the county level, developers approached the township with an alternative plan that involved implementing a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) tax on each property sold.

The TIF proposal was presented as a solution to local traffic concerns, including discussions of a potential roundabout at one of the township’s busiest intersections. However, Union Township Trustees believe the traffic study referenced by the developers may have been limited to input from the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT), without a comprehensive assessment. While developers claimed they would cover traffic improvements, trustees highlighted that these costs would ultimately fall on future property buyers.

As a result, the trustees deferred the matter to the county for further review, stating that the road and development issues needed additional time to determine the best path forward. Union Township Trustees emphasized that they are not opposed to growth or road improvements but are committed to ensuring thoughtful, community-focused planning.

Residents are encouraged to attend the March 19th meeting to stay informed and engaged in ongoing township developments.