Dear Editor,

I’m reaching out in an appeal for your attention and possible support for a life-long friend and fellow Marine, Tim O’Hara.

I’ve known Tim since I was six years old – where we met each other for the first time in a fight on the playground in school and then became best friends. His father, Larry (a Combat Engineer who served in Viet Nam), is the reason Tim and I both became Marines. Tim went to boot at Parris Island in ’95 serving his first enlistment as an 0311 Rifleman with 1/3, and his second enlistment returning to PI as a Drill Instructor.

After his time in the Corps and building his family and business career, Tim has decided to serve his country again – this time running for US Congress. Neither Tim or myself are political animals, but Tim felt the pull to continue to honor the oath he swore upon enlistment and run when the vacancy in southern Ohio’s 2nd Congressional District opened up with Wenstrup’s announcement of retiring (as some local Marines and family were gathered to celebrate the Marine Corps birthday).

Now I don’t know your political leanings and I’m not seeking to offend anyone by posting this. I’m just humbly asking that you give consideration to a fellow veteran to give him a fighting chance in this race. The way I see it, we veterans all gave some, while too many of us gave ALL, to defend every American’s freedom to be their best selves in this country.

I can honestly say that when Tim does something he goes all out and this time is no exception. He’s thrown a significant amount of his personal savings into his campaign to do what he feels called to do. But he can’t do this alone. These elections are a numbers game so any donation, big or small, can make a difference and is greatly appreciated. Your donation can be simply spreading the word about Tim or donating financially to his mission on his website if you so choose. He has to report his numbers to the public in early January to show the strength of his support, so whatever you can do by the end of this year is very helpful (even if you don’t live in his district).

So, I’ve said my piece. I appreciate your time and attention while telling you about my friend Tim, who – regardless of his politics – I trust with my life, my wife, and my treasure.

Semper Fi,

Jon Baker

Batavia, OH

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