Dear Editor,

Tim has spent his life serving in one capacity or another. He truly does know southern Ohio and the people and communities within.

He PUTS PEOPLE FIRST. He is in the heat of this race for congress right now, and still did not shy away from a 45 minute conversation encouraging me about leadership, running a business and people management earlier this week.

He (and his amazingly supportive wife!) has built his businesses from the ground up while raising three really wonderful daughters. He understands our communities, our families, our businesses and I truly believe he can make a tremendous difference for us.

He has never been a politician, and that’s what makes him a perfect fit. We need fresh eyes and minds helping change the trajectory of our country for the better.

This race is a very significant race for us. I urge you to do your research, ask the questions, meet the candidates and vote on March 19th.


Anna Hall Stroud

The Scioto Valley Guardian is the #1 local news source for the Scioto Valley.