Hearing loss can impact us for various reasons. It can be age-related (presbycusis), genetic, caused by head trauma, even certain medications can cause sensorineural hearing loss. However, the leading cause of hearing loss is noise-induced issues. 

It has been documented over the years that rural areas tend to have more hearing loss than suburban areas. This could be for a variety of reasons: one being more farmers live in rural areas, leading to increased noise exposure due to the loud equipment they work with daily. This makes them more susceptible to noise-induced hearing loss. Many people have not been educated enough to understand how exposure to loud noise can damage your hearing and how beneficial hearing protection can be. We can also take into consideration other loud activities such as hunting and shooting, which are prevalent in rural areas too.  

Another factor could be the lack of hearing care providers in rural areas. Although this may not directly cause someone to experience hearing loss, it could contribute to delayed treatment seeking. Depending on the area, some may have to travel 45 minutes or more to access treatment, which could reduce the willingness to address a common issue. 

It is essential to understand the importance of your hearing and take steps to protect it by seeking a reputable specialist or provider. Using a good set of ear protection is one of the best ways you can preserve what hearing you already have. Even if you experience some degree of hearing loss already, it is advisable to always wear ear protection when around loud noises, such as when using guns, heavy equipment, live music events, and even mowing the grass.  

If you suspect that you may be experiencing hearing loss, you can come to Beltone for a free hearing screening, so you know if it is an issue and to what extent, if so. If you don’t have hearing loss, you will at least have a baseline test result to compare to in the future, if hearing loss ever becomes an issue later. No two types of hearing loss are the same, so it’s important to see a professional if you’re unsure – rural and urban alike.

Aaron Garabrandt is Board Certified in Hearing Instrument Sciences and has been dispensing hearing aids for 16 years in a variety of settings with several manufacturers. He works with Beltone in the Chillicothe, Zanesville, and Coshocton, Ohio offices.

The Scioto Valley Guardian is the #1 local news source for the Scioto Valley.