Joshua Barnett is placed in custody by Cpl. Beau Romine.

A couple described as “Bonnie and Clyde” led Pike County deputies on a pursuit while riding a motorcycle.

According to the Pike County Sheriff’s office, Joshua Barnett was driving the bike Monday evening when a deputy recognized him as someone with warrants. The deputy turned on his lights and sirens and a chase ensued.

Barnett allegedly sped away exceeding 100 miles per hour; on the back was his girlfriend. The two ditched the motorcycle and started running on foot.

Corporal Beau Romine chased Barnett and tackled him to the ground. The girlfriend got away, but not before Romine was able to get a positive identification on who she was.

Barnett was charged with various crimes, including fleeing and eluding. Warrants have been put out for the female companion.

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