SCIOTO COUNTY, Ohio — The Sciotoville Community school district will receive a $368,550 grant from the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) to improve safety for students walking and biking to and from school. The grant will be used to install new crosswalks, curb ramps, and speed zone beacons on Marshall Street, Second Street, Farney Street, Price Street, and Third Street.

The Safe Routes to School program provides funding for infrastructure and programming to make it safer for children to walk or bike to school. The Sciotoville Community grant is one of 45 projects that were selected for funding this year.

“Walking and biking is a healthy way for children to get to and from school, but we must ensure each student can do so safely,” said Governor Mike DeWine. “This program provides that opportunity.”

About the Safe Routes to School Program

The Safe Routes to School program is a national initiative that helps communities make it safer for children to walk or bike to school. The program provides funding for infrastructure improvements, such as new sidewalks and crosswalks, as well as programming to educate children and parents about safe walking and biking habits.

Since its inception in 2005, ODOT’s Safe Routes to School program has provided more than $75 million to schools, municipalities, health districts, park districts, and key non-profit partners to improve safety for students.

For more information about the Safe Routes to School program, visit