Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude to the Editor of the Guardian for granting me the opportunity and space to share my thoughts with you. Although I miss my time in the newsroom, I have enjoyed a peaceful life since stepping down from the daily operations of news.

Recently, the Ross County Sheriff and his chief deputy labeled me an “internet troll” following an article by the news organization I launched several years ago, which authenticated a racial slur made by the Sheriff. Rather than taking responsibility for his words, the Sheriff issued a bizarre and unprofessional statement filled with baseless accusations, name-calling, and grammatical errors.
It’s important to mention that I supported the Sheriff during his reelection campaign. I spent countless hours in meetings, on phone calls, and exchanging emails and texts with him and his team, strategizing for his victory. These communications continued right up until the Sheriff released his statement.
I have participated in ride-alongs with the deputies, and during my recent speech at the county party’s annual dinner, I recognized the Sheriff and urged the audience of 300 attendees to applaud him for his work. Many who read this will remember that event, which was even filmed.
For the Sheriff to call me “morally bankrupt” without naming me directly is both cowardly and misleading. While he is entitled to his opinion, suggesting that I oppose his candidacy contradicts the documented evidence of my support. I have phone records, texts, emails, and videos showing my consistent backing of his efforts, including recent meetings in his office and cruiser.
What about all the stories I killed for the Sheriff? How his Captain was fired-then-rehired after it was learned that the man was abusing a computer system to complete online training for other deputies, including the Sheriff. Or, what about that time the deputy was caught having sex with a paramedic while on duty? I could list a dozen stories I’ve killed for the Sheriff out of loyalty.

I endorsed his wife for the school board, his Major’s wife for mayor, and publicly supported pay raises for his deputies.
I could release the photos; texts; videos; audio; and more that would show you who the Sheriff really is, and who was really in control, but I am not that person anymore. I do not play dirty.
The Sheriff wants the public to believe I am his enemy, but this is a distortion of the truth. His recent statements are an attempt to deflect from his poor choice of words and mislead the public about my support. He has concealed our frequent meetings and communications, which continued up until last week.
The Sheriff, who once had my respect after he intervened to dismiss a fabricated charge against me, has now lost it. Misleading the public about my stance and releasing a statement filled with name-calling, which he hypocritically denies, compels me to pray for him.
I pray for you, Sheriff, that you find God’s guidance and peace. If there’s one thing you should know about me from our years together, it’s that I always come prepared with receipts.